SAFETY FIRST We're taking extra measures to ensure your children are safe in our nursery. Learn More
About Us
Your Child Is in Great Hands

Providing excellence in developmentally appropriate preschool education in an accredited, Christian environment.
“For I know the plans I have for you declares the Lord, plans to give you hope and a future.” Jeremiah 29:11
A ministry of Mandarin United Methodist Church delivering quality preschool education by:
Maintaining a safe and loving Christian environment
Providing activities to help children reach their highest potential:
– Spiritually
– Emotionally
– Intellectually
– Physically
– Socially -
Building values and skills to ensure the children’s future well-rounded success through fun and creative activities
Providing opportunities for family involvement
Learning Ladders Preschool maintains accreditation through the Florida Coalition of Christian Private School Accreditation(FCCPSA).The Florida Coalition of Christian Private Schools grants accreditation to qualified K-12 Christian private schools, issues Religious Exemption Accreditation for faith-based childcare facilities, and Gold Seal Accreditation for preschools. The FCCPSA is an approved member of the National Council for Private Schools (NCPSA) which is dedicated to the accreditation process as a viable and responsible means of establishing a witness of school excellence. The process includes a detailed self-study, financial audit, program assessment, staff and director evaluations, parent and staff surveys and a 3-day site visit. Learning Ladders Preschool has also been granted Gold Seal Accreditation and Religious Exemption.